A lot of good stuff has been going on with the house, but life goes on around us. I made this robot cake recently for one of my friend's birthdays. I love anybody in their 30s who still wants a robot cake for their birthday!!!
For the color, I mixed in 2-3 drops of blue liquid food coloring and 1 drop red in a large batch of frosting, which made a nice light purple that looked more gray than purple. I arranged the cupcakes, and I used donut holes on top of the head and on the sides of the head. Then, I piped the cupcakes and took some edible silver spray and sprayed the whole thing down. This did less than I expected to the color. (The body has the spray, but around the eyes do not, so you judge for yourself.)
Once the piping was done, I iced 2 more donut holes with white frosting and popped those on for eyes, piping around them to hold them in place, and give the robot eyelids. (That is the part I was talking about that doesn't have silver spray.) I used airheads, candy dots, and m&ms for the decorations, and whala! Robot cupcake cake!